Post Abortion Recovery Dos And Donts You Need To Know

abortion do's and don'ts

Post-abortion complications are rare. But misinformation about the dos and donts after abortion can worsen the minor side effects and lead to severe complications. 

While both medically approved abortion pills and clinical abortions are generally safe when performed by/under the guidance of a qualified practitioner, knowing how to care for yourself will make the post-abortion recovery easier and get back to your fet within weeks. 

What to expect after abortion

After undergoing a abortion, you will continue to experience abdominal cramping and bleeding with minor clots for a couple of days. These are crucial indicators that the tissue from the gestational sac has been expelled, which can be a sign that the pregnancy was successfully terminated.

It is recommended to follow any post-abortion care do’s and don’ts provided by your healthcare provider and to reach out to them if you have any concerns or experience severe pain or heavy bleeding.

Post-Abortion Do's

It is important that you take all the time you need and prioritize self-care after any abortion procedure. Below we shall list a number of dos and donts to follow in order to recovery quickly:-


It is important to give your body the time it needs to heal after undergoing an abortion. Rest and allow yourself to physically heal and recover emotionally. Take care of yourself, listen to your body, and seek support if needed. Remember that healing takes time and it is okay to prioritize your well-being during this process.

Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is crucial. Choose water and non-caffeinated, non-carbonated drinks, as they can aid in recovery. Natural juices without added sugars can also offer extra nutrients for healing. Avoid caffeine, as it might affect sleep and or increase your anxiety.


Take all medications prescribed and follow doctor’s instructions. Should you need to use any other medication to alleviate the symptoms, its advisable to first consult with abortion provider, to ensure it  aligns with your health needs.

Eat nutritious meals

Eating nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can indeed be beneficial in aiding your healing process after an abortion.

If you have any specific dietary concerns or questions, feel free to consult with a healthcare provider or a registered dietitian for personalized guidance.

Strenuous activities

It is important to avoid engaging in heavy tasks, like exercising, heavy lifting or walking long-distance travel for a few days. This caution is necessary because the cervix may still be open, and strenuous activities could lead to increased bleeding and potential complications.

Monitor symptoms

It is important to monitor your healing process and recognise any unusual symptoms that might cause complication. These might include:- 

  • Heavy bleeding
  • Smelly discharge
  • Persistent pregnancy symptoms 

Birth control

Because ovulation typically takes place between 21 to 29 days post-abortion, its advisable to have an emergency contraception in place is during this period. Birth control will any unplanned pregnancies should you engage in any sexual activities too soon. 

Seek help if needed

It’s crucial to acknowledge and address the emotional aspects that can accompany the decision to have an abortion. After terminating a pregnancy, some individuals experience a range of emotions before, during, and after the procedure.

Seeking support from friends, family or specialized counselors can assist should your emotions become overwhelming. 

Post-Abortion Don'ts

It is indeed important to be mindful of any post-abortion don’ts in order to prioritize your physical and emotional well-being.

Do not use tampons

To ensure proper self-care after abortion and reduce the risk of infections, it is advised to not use tampons after an abortion because they restrict the blood flow.

Instead, use sanitary pads for better monitoring of bleeding and maintaining hygiene. Change pads regularly and watch for any abnormal bleeding patterns.

Do not clean your vagina

Avoid using vaginal douches as they disturb the natural vaginal bacteria balance and raise the risk of infections. Allow your vagina to clean itself through its natural discharge, as it is a self-cleaning organ that maintains pH balance.

Don't sit in bath tubs

It is important to avoid sitting in soapy warm baths or going swimming after an abortion, as these activities can increase the risk of developing infections in the vaginal area.

Avoid sex for about 2 weeks

Avoid sexual activity for 2 weeks post-abortion. Understand that fertility may resume soon after. Consider contraception to avoid unintended pregnancies. Consult a healthcare provider for personalized guidance on contraception choices.

Why do post-abortion Dos and Donts matter?

symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy

It’s important to prioritize self-care after an abortion in order to support your physical and emotional health. Processing and acknowledging your feelings is key, as the experience can be emotionally complex.

Seeking support from loved ones, friends, or mental health professionals can be very helpful in this process. Engaging in activities that promote relaxation and joy, such as relaxation techniques or hobbies you enjoy, can also reduce stress and support your mental well-being.

Getting in touch with us!

Cavwell Reproductive Clinic offer various contact options to assist you get i touch with us.

You can reach out to us via whatsapp or Via Telehealth service if you have inquiries about our services, wish to schedule an appointment, or require aftercare support following treatment.

How may we further assist you today?

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Frequently Asked Questions

Bleeding after an abortion can last a week ,  You may observe small blood clots that are red or dark purple. To maintain hygiene and safety, the use of tampons is not recommended following the procedure. Instead, sanitary pads are advised as they are a more suitable option.

For your wellbeing, it’s recommended to return to your regular activities one day post-procedure. On the day of the procedure itself, prioritize rest and refrain from engaging in any activities that could potentially cause discomfort or pain.

It is generally recommended to wait for at least 3 weeks after a medical abortion to take a pregnancy test. This waiting period allows enough time for the pregnancy hormones to dissipate from your bloodstream, ensuring more accurate test results.

It’s important to follow this guidance for the most reliable outcome.

If you have any concerns or questions about timing or testing after a medical abortion, consulting with a healthcare provider can provide further clarity and support

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