Possible Medical Abortions Risks You Need To Know


A medical abortion is a procedure that is generally considered very safe for women who need to end unplanned pregnancies. In fact, Medical abortion risks or long term negative health consequences are rarely reported by women who have terminate pregnancies using medically approved abortion pills.

will not experience any negative health consequences. However, it is important to recognize that like any medical treatment, there is always some degree of risk involved, no matter how small it may be.

This is particularly true for abortions that are carried out later in pregnancy; the risks of complications tend to increase as the pregnancy progresses. As such, it is important for women who are considering abortion to carefully evaluate all of their options and to seek out the advice of a qualified medical professional who can help them to make an informed decision about their reproductive health. Ultimately, the decision to undergo an abortion is a personal one, and should be based on a range of factors, including the woman’s physical and emotional health, her financial situation, and her social support network.

First Things First!
How does a medical abortion work?


As earlier on explained, a medical abortion is fundamentally a two-step process that uses medications rather than surgery to terminate a pregnancy.

  • The first stage of this process involves taking a pill called mifepristone. It is meant to block the effects of progesterone, a female hormone that is crucial for the continued progression of pregnancy. By inhibiting this hormone, mifepristone effectively halts the growth of the pregnancy.
  • 24 hours later, misoprostol, the second abortion tablet will be administered.  Misoprostol’s primary function is to induce contractions, much like the natural contractions a woman experiences during childbirth. These contractions work to expel the pregnancy from the uterus, thus causing a miscarriage. 

By combining the actions of these two drugs, medical abortion provides a non-surgical option to terminate a pregnancy.

Emotional Risks: Impact on Mental Health

It’s crucial to address the emotional implications caused by change in hormones post-abortion because the emotional toll is often as significant, if not more, as the physical one.

While some women feel relief after the abortion procedure, others might wrestle with a complex mix of emotions such as sadness, guilt, regret, or even depression. From our own experience, it is completely normal to feel that way. 

Therefore it is absolutely vital to acknowledge these feelings and slowly recover emotionally rather than suppressing them because it can lead to a more profound emotional struggle later on.

The duration of these emotional repercussions also differs. For most women, these feelings are temporary, subsiding over time. However, for others, these emotions may linger on and could potentially manifest into a more severe mental health issue if left unaddressed. If you find yourself caught in a cycle of negative emotions for an extended period, seeking professional help is highly recommended.

Reach out to mental health professionals who can provide guidance and support during this challenging time. Therapy and counselling can be instrumental in navigating the emotional landscape post-abortion. Online platforms, support groups and hotlines are also available for those who prefer anonymous assistance.

It is also essential to surround oneself with a supportive network of friends and family. Emotional support from loved ones can go a long way in managing post-abortion emotions. Remember, it’s okay to talk about your feelings and experiences. Sharing your story can be therapeutic and can also help to normalize the conversation around abortion.

While dealing with the emotional risks, remember that you’re not alone, and seeking help is not a sign of weakness. Taking care of your mental health is an important part of post-abortion care. Understanding this is crucial for your emotional well-being post-abortion.

Possible medical abortion risks

Medical abortion carries with it a certain degree of risk that varies depending on several aspects, including the length of the pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to acknowledge that the medical abortion procedure may expose you to different types and degrees of risks, according to the gestational age of the fetus. Factors such as the dosage and timing of the medication, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient, may also contribute to the likelihood and severity of potential complications. Therefore, it is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of the risks involved before making an informed decision about terminating a pregnancy. It is highly recommended to discuss these matters with a qualified medical practitioner who can provide you with personalized advice and guidance based on your specific situation and needs.

Uterine bleeding

If you have recently undergone a medication abortion, it is common to experience some bleeding. Bleeding occurs as the uterus contracts and expels the tissue left behind from the pregnancy. It is important to note that the bleeding patterns can vary from person to person.

During the first few days, it is normal to experience heavier bleeding than a regular menstrual period, but the bleeding should gradually decrease over time. However, it is vital to remain vigilant and be on the lookout for any signs of excessive bleeding, as it may indicate potential complications such as hemorrhaging.

Pro Tip

Medical abortions may result in a higher likelihood of experiencing heavy bleeding as compared to surgical abortion procedures. The reason behind this is that in medical abortions, the pregnancy tissue is expelled through the vagina, much like a menstrual period. So, prior to undergoing the abortion procedure, your doctor will provide you with information regarding the amount of bleeding that is considered normal after the procedure.


Infections and sepsis are among the most concerning complications that can occur after taking the abortion pill, which could even lead to septic shock if left untreated. It’s worth noting that even women in developed countries like the US develop infections after abortion, affecting around 1.4%-1.7% of patients who undergo the procedure.

However, any risk of infection is still a risk nonetheless, and it is important to take steps to minimize this major abortion complication by following proper medical protocols and seeking medical attention immediately if any symptoms arise. Being informed and staying vigilant can help ensure a safer and healthier abortion experience.

Incomplete abortion

Medical abortions, although widely used to end a pregnancy, may not always guarantee a successful outcome. There is a slight chance that the abortion tablets may not work and end up with an incomplete abortion especially for individuals who are currently eight weeks pregnant or above.

As the pregnancy advances, the risk also increases. It is therefore crucial for individuals who opt for medical abortion to consult a healthcare provider prior to proceeding, as they can provide a better analysis of the patient’s health and pregnancy progress. In some cases, alternative options may need to be considered, such as terminating the pregnancy surgically.

Pro Tip

Since its mentioned that the abortion tablets might not work for pregnancies above 8 weeks, if that happens, you may be offered another dose to increase the pill’s efficacy. This additional dose typically results in the pill being effective nearly 100% of the time.

However, should it fail again you may need to consider a surgical abortion instead. 

Long-Term Effects of Medical Abortions
Impact on Future Fertility

Busting the myths surrounding medication abortion and future fertility, many prevailing misconceptions on the internet claim abortion can negatively influence a woman’s ability to conceive in the future. That is not True!

But, just like the flip side of a coin, there are instances where complications arising from an abortion can have an impact on subsequent pregnancies. For instance, an infection, if it’s not treated promptly can potentially cause scarring in the reproductive tract, which could, in turn, affect future fertility.

Similarly, an incomplete abortion, another potential abortion complication, can also lead to fertility issues if the remaining tissue of the pregnancy remaining in the uterus are not surgically removed to avoid further infections or scarring. 

  • Abortions do not increase the risk of breast cancer or mental health problems.
  • A medical abortion procedure does not affect your chances of getting pregnant and having a normal pregnancy in the future.
  • Most women can get pregnant soon after. Therefore, you should start using birth control if you do not want to get pregnant.

Knowing and understanding these facts can help dispel fears and anxiety about long-term fertility following an abortion. It’s essential to remember that every woman’s body and circumstances are unique. So, while these general insights provide a helpful overview, individual concerns about fertility and future pregnancies should be discussed with a healthcare provider, who can provide guidance based on your specific medical history and health status.


Women with pre-existing conditions must take extra precautions when considering any type of medication, including the abortion pill especially women they may be at risk.

  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Allergic to certain medicines
  • Plus women who still have still “IUD” intrauterine devices in place

As long as you fall within any of the above categories, its advisable to consult with your abortion provider to help you weigh the risks and benefits of various abortion options and provide guidance on how to manage any pre-existing conditions during the abortion pill process. 

Last but not least, it is also highly recommended that women who need to terminate using abortion pills and do not have immediate access to medical care in case of abortion complications should refrain from taking abortion medication. This is because some abortion complications need supervision and  guidance of a healthcare professional.

How to reduce abortion complications

When considering terminating a pregnancy, it is vital to prioritize your health and safety. Although some complications may occur during or after an abortion, these risks can be significantly reduced by seeking the help of a reputable abortion provider. It’s advisable to consult with a doctor who has experience in carrying out abortions to ensure that the process goes smoothly and that your overall health is not compromised.

Many private abortion clinics offer pregnancy testing and ultrasound to assess the status of your pregnancy before termination. This can be beneficial in determining the appropriate procedure to follow and ensuring that complications are minimized as much as possible.

  • Try as much as possible to avoid unsafe methods of terminating pregnancies because they are unhealthy, dangerous and even lead t death. 
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